My playlist

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

My letter to and from Santa Claus.

Hi folks,

Voltei no tempo e escrevi ao Santa Claus como se ainda fosse uma criança. Olha só.

Merry Christmas Maristela!

write Christmas letter to Santa Claus, North Pole  
Rudolph licked this stamp personally!  Of course, he made a mess of the screen! Silly Rudolph!

#1, Rudolph Way
North Pole, Canada


Santos, Brazil
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Merrrryyyy Christmas Maristela!!
Thank you for sending me your email all the way from Santos!  The Internet sure is wonderful because now I can get emails from Santos and around the world in the blink of an eye.  Even Rudolph gets emails... from pets!  Why, here's Rudolph right now!  HO!! Ho!! ho!!  He just asked me to say 'Hi!' to you! 
Rudolph put this on personally, just for you Maristela!Well tickle my whiskers, Maristela, I can't believe you're 11 years old already!  You're getting to be quite a big girl!  I'm really glad you still wrote me though because I'm sure some of your friends have said things about me.  Of course, I'll bet they never got a magic letter like this from me!  (*wink*)  I also hear you've been a REALLY REALLY good girl.  (Of course, you won't mind if I do a little checking, will you? HO!! Ho!! ho!!).  
Let's see what you put in your letter for Christmas wishes: 1. bike; 2. barbie doll and; 3. santa claus email.  May all your Christmas wishes come true!Did you know Mrs. Claus just loves helping the elves make all the wonderful Barbie things?  I know she'll be delighted to hear you like Barbie stuff as much as she does!  I hope you'll be just as delighted with what we bring you, even if we can't give you something Barbie but something else that we really think you might like.  Kewl!  You want a bike!  The elves love making those!  They really like having little races on them around the workshop too.  They always wear their little helmets.  Will you promise to always wear a helmet and follow the safety rules too?  Those silly elves are so busy having races that I hope they have enough time to make a bike for everyone this Christmas. 
Maristela, Mrs. Claus wanted me to tell you about my blog!  It is called Santa Claus' Christmas Blog.  It has all kinds of stories about Christmas, life at the North Pole, and me, Santa Claus !  The elves like to see the messages everyone leaves for us.  They can hardly wait to see what you write!
Sleigh bells and snowflakes!  It looks like I'm getting another letter from someone in Santos!  Have you been telling your friends to email me too?  Well, I guess I better go because I know I sent an elf to watch them!  Take care Maristela and don't forget to come back and visit me here at on Christmas Eve!!  And remember...  only 43 more sleeps until Christmas!!
Lots of Love,
Papai Noel
Thank you Maristela for thinking of me!P.S.   YUM!  Those sure were some tasty goodies you sent me in your letter Maristela!  I hope it's okay that I shared them with everyone here.  You should see how fast they disappeared!  Oh, wait!  You CAN!  HO!! Ho!! ho!!
P.P.S.  I've attached a special postmarked copy of your email below so you can print it off and show it to all your friends or put it on your fridge.
Click here to print this page
Have a holly jolly Christmas Maristela!
While you certainly don't have to do it to stay on Santa's Nice List, you can help support EmailSanta by sending the elves a present of a buck or two.  (It is quite ok with Santa and the elves if you don't and remember, only adults are allowed to send money).
  Get a friendly reminder from EmailSanta to come back and visit the elves again next year.
NOTE:  Because this is a special letter from Papai Noel, it cannot be bookmarked!  Please print your letter now to keep it or click on <File>, <Save As> to save your letter now.  Then, to share your letter with family & friends, just attach the saved file to an email!  Merry Christmas!
"Merry Christmas Maristela!" from EmailSanta
Santos, Brazil
Eeew!  Who licked the screen!!Eeew!  Who licked the screen!!
Eeew!  Who licked the screen!!
Dear Papai Noel,
My name is Maristela.  I am a girl and I am already 11 years old!!  I live in the great city of Santos.  Of course, that's in Brazil but I'll bet you knew that!  This year I've been so good that I should be the angel on top of the tree!
Papai Noel, some things I might like for Christmas this year are:
- bike;
- barbie doll; and,
- santa claus email.
Papai Noel, I almost forgot to say...  It would be wonderful ride in Santa´s sleigh.
Love, Maristela
I want a bike for Christmas too.  I think they're really kewl!

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

Halloween puzzle.

Try and enjoy it!

Z  A  Z  J  R  E  T  S  N  O  M  S  J  S

V  A  M  P  I  R  E  Z  B  S  K  U  L  L

P  O  L  H  C  C  W  E  R  E  W  O  L  F

B  Y  R  A  C  S  Q  J  O  F  Y  B  Y  J

Y  Z  U  V  M  V  F  I  I  D  S  L  E  O

N  I  E  T  S  K  N  A  R  F  X  A  X  D

U  Z  L  Z  T  G  H  O  S  T  U  C  J  R

S  V  H  A  Z  O  M  B  I  E  W  K  N  A

G  B  B  K  Q  V  Y  L  J  W  S  C  B  C

R  C  O  U  T  D  W  S  J  H  K  A  R  U

O  F  O  T  H  C  T  I  W  R  B  T  O  L

R  N  E  E  W  O  L  L  A  H  S  R  O  A

S  N  I  K  P  M  U  P  J  O  I  Z  M  X

L  H  U  C  F  U  M  Z  T  A  P  D  J  F

black catscary

Vampires!! Their history by HowStuffWorks.

   Dracula de Brain Stocker. Faboloso!!!      
     Vampiro de Crepúsculo. Cute!

Fundamentos sobre os vampiros
Os vampiros dos livros contemporâneos, os filmes e os programas detelevisão são criaturas incrivelmente elaboradas. De acordo com a mitologia predominante, todo vampiro já foi humano que, depois de ter sido mordido por um vampiro, morreu e se levantou do túmulo como um monstro. Os vampiros adoram o sangue dos vivos, a quem eles perseguem durante a noite. Eles usam suas presas afiadas para morder os pescoços de suas vítimas.
Já que são cadáveres reanimados (restos mortais de uma pessoa falecida), os vampiros são frequentemente referidos como "os mortos-vivos". No entanto, eles ainda podem se passar por humanos saudáveis e passar despercebidos entre os vivos. De fato, os vampiros podem ser atrativos,altamente sexuais, seduzindo sua presa antes de se alimentar dela. Um vampiro pode também tomar a forma de um animal, geralmente um morcego ou um lobo, para dar o bote na vítima.
Os vampiros são potencialmente imortais, mas possuem algumas fraquezas. Eles podem ser destruídos por uma estaca no coração, fogo, luz do sol direta, além de temer crucifixos, água benta e alho. Os vampiros não refletem sua imagem no espelho e possuem uma força extraordinária.
A figura vampiresca, com essa combinação particular de características e regras, é uma invenção recente. Bram Stoker concebeu o "Drácula" em seu romance de 1897. Outros autores reinterpretaram o Drácula em uma série de peças, filmes e livros.
Mas enquanto os elementos específicos são novos, a maioria deles possuem raízes profundas, em muitas regiões e culturas. Nas próximas seções, veremos alguns dos ancestrais mais notáveis do vampiro.

Mestre do terror: Alfred Hitchcock movies.

Enjoy the Halloween month to watch some movies of Hitchcock: the genius of thriller movies:

Psycho (Psicose)
The Birds (Os pássaros) e
Vertigo (Um corpo que cai)


1st Halloween meeting at Luiz Darly.

Hi folks,

This week we are going to have our first meeting to plan our Halloween party!

Be aware!

Teacher Mari

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Halloween is coming........ be aware!

História do Dia das Bruxas
história desta data comemorativa tem mais de 2500 anos. Surgiu entre o povo celta, que acreditavam que no último dia do verão (31 de outubro), os espíritos saiam dos cemitérios para tomar posse dos corpos dos vivos. Para assustar estes fantasmas, os celtas colocavam, nas casas, objetos assustadores como, por exemplo, caveiras, ossos decorados, abóboras enfeitadas entre outros.
Por ser uma festa pagã foi condenada na Europa durante a Idade Média, quando passou a ser chamada de Dia das Bruxas. Aqueles que comemoravam esta data eram perseguidos e condenados à fogueira pela Inquisição.
Com o objetivo de diminuir as influências pagãs na Europa Medieval, a Igreja cristianizou a festa, criando o Dia de Finados (2 de novembro).

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Nada tão simples do que ser simplesmente simples.

Return To Innocence


Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence.
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence

People say there is no happiness in the world. Maybe they are looking for it outside themselves.

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011

Size me up - Film to 7th grades.

Last week our students from 7th grades watched the documentary: Size me up, as indicated in the 3rd Notebook of English language.

Sorry for the date on both photos, I changed without noticed it.

Pic Nic with 7th A.

The best group of second bimester: 7thA!

Sorry for dates. The pictures were taken on September 2nd, 2011.